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2022: a record year also for sustainability


2022: a record year also for sustainability

2022: a record year also for sustainability

During 2022 CAREL’s commitment to development that also takes into account environmental protection and social issues has been recognised by several ESG rating companies, ratings that have all improved substantially, compared to previous years. 

In fact, after having further increased its score in the ESG rating assigned by MSCI, obtaining 'AA' (which places CAREL in the 'Leader' category, i.e. the category of those companies that, in their sector, best manage ESG-related risks and opportunities) and having received a silver medal from ECOVADIS (the world's largest provider of sustainability ratings with around 100,000 companies assessed), the Group has also seen its efforts in the fight against climate change recognised by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). The global non-profit organisation that monitors, among others, corporate performance in the fight against climate change has improved its rating on CAREL, giving it a "B-" (in 2021 the rating had been "C") and placing it in the "Management" category, i.e. within the panel of companies working to manage their impact on the environment.

Finally, from an ESG risk management point of view, CAREL efforts were recognised also by Sustainalytics, which improved its score by about 8 points (score '17') by placing it in the 'low risk' category. The company was found to be solid, demonstrating a high degree of responsibility towards all its Stakeholders: in fact, its policies and programmes to manage the most important ESG issues follow industry best practices.


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