mc NA

mc NA
  • General characteristics

    Automatic nozzle self-cleaning system.
    Each cabinet, Main and Secondary, periodically activates a cycle for drying and cleaning the atomising nozzles. A special piston driven by a powerful spring periodically removes any mineral salts deposited in the opening of the nozzles, thus significantly reducing the frequency of cleaning operations.
  • Plus

    Guaranteed hygiene
    MCmultizone ensures a very high level of hygiene, as a result of:
    • automatic emptying of the water line whenever the unit stops;
    • automatic periodical washing of the water line when the unit is not operating.
    This prevents the nozzles from spraying stagnant water. In addition, an effective UV steriliser lamp, installed upstream of the MCmultizone, shines UV light on the flow of supply water, helping to eliminate any biological contaminants that may be present, such as bacteria, viruses, mould, spores and yeast.
    Water quality for MCmultizone systems:
    The constructional and functional features of the MCmultizone allow the use of untreated drinking water. Nonetheless, the quantity and the quality of dissolved minerals affect the frequency of the routine maintenance operations (mainly involving the periodical cleaning of the nozzles) and the quantity of mineral dust deposited by the droplets of water after these have completely evaporated. Demineralised supply water by reverse osmosis should be used. This is also recommended by the main standards, such as UNI 8884, VDI6022 and VDI3803.

    Air compressor
    The MCmultizone requires compressed air, provided by an external compressor, not supplied by CAREL. The volume of air at standard atmospheric pressure required to atomise one litre of water is 1.27 Nm3/h, compressed to a pressure between 4 and 10 bars.

    Other new features
    As well as the alarm relay, a unit status relay and digital inputs are now available to enable MCmultizone for operation based on a signal from the compressor, water treatment system and air flow sensor.




  • Brochure
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +302240440
    Description mc multizone semplice e robusto, ideale per i grandi ambienti industriali
    Language ITA 
    Date 30/03/2015
    Release 2.0
    Code +302240441
    Description mc multizone simple and robust, ideal for large industrial environments
    Language ENG 
    Date 30/03/2015
    Release 2.0
    Code +302240442
    Description mc multizone simple et robuste, idéal pour les grands locaux industriels
    Language FRE 
    Date 30/03/2015
    Release 2.0
    Code +302240443
    Description mc multizone Einfach und robust, ideal für große Industrieanlagen
    Language GER 
    Date 30/03/2015
    Release 2.0
    Code +302240444
    Description mc multizone sencillo y robusto, ideal para los grandes ambientes industriales
    Language SPA 
    Date 30/03/2015
    Release 2.0
    Code +302240550
    Description Il controllo dell’umidità nell’industria della stampa
    Language ITA 
    Date 27/05/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +302240551
    Description Humidity control in printing applications
    Language ENG 
    Date 27/05/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +302240552
    Description Le contrôle de l’humidité dans l’imprimerie
    Language FRE 
    Date 27/05/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +302240553
    Description Die Regelung der Luftfeuchte in Druckereien
    Language GER 
    Date 27/05/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +302240558
    Description Контроль влажности в типографиях
    Language RUS 
    Date 27/05/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +302240447
    Description Увлажнители распылительного типа на сжатом воздухе
    Language RUS 
    Date 01/03/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +302240448
    Description mc multizone مرطبات الهواء باستخدام الهواء المضغوط
    Language ARA 
    Date 01/03/2008
    Release 1.0
    Code +30C238591
    Description 洁净室湿度控制
    Language CHI 
    Date 12/09/2007
    Release 1.0
    Code +302238593
    Description Die Regelung der Feuchte in Reinräumen
    Language GER 
    Date 12/09/2007
    Release 1.0
    Code +302235434
    Description Luchtvochtigheid in de textielindustrie
    Language DUT 
    Date 02/07/2007
    Release 1.0
    Code +302235435
    Description Il controllo dell’umidità nelle applicazioni tessili
    Language ITA 
    Date 02/07/2007
    Release 1.0
    Code +302235436
    Description Humidity control in textile applications
    Language ENG 
    Date 02/07/2007
    Release 1.0
    Code +302235437
    Description Le contrôle de l’humidité pour l’industrie textile
    Language FRE 
    Date 02/07/2007
    Release 1.0
    Code +302235438
    Description Die Regelung der Feuchtigkeit in der Textilverarbeitung
    Language GER 
    Date 02/07/2007
    Release 1.0
  • Other related documentation
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +3000018FR
    Description L’humidité est importante! Les humidificateurs CAREL, une solution pour chaque application
    Language FRE 
    Date 15/09/2020
    Release 4.1
    Code +3000018ZH
    Description 湿度问题! CAREL解决方案 满足您的加湿需求
    Language CHI 
    Date 19/02/2015
    Release 3.0
    Code +3000018KR
    Description 최고의 습도 조절을 위한 CAREL solutions
    Language KOR 
    Date 19/02/2015
    Release 3.0
    Code +3000018PT
    Description A humidade é importante! Soluções CAREL para as suas necessidades de humidificação
    Language POR 
    Date 19/02/2015
    Release 3.0
    Code +3000018SV
    Description Fukt är viktigt! Med befuktare från CAREL inns det en lösning för alla behov
    Language SWE 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000018FI
    Description Kosteudella on merkitystä! CAREL kostuttimet, ratkaisu kostutustarpeisiin.
    Language FIN 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000018CS
    Description Na vlhkosti záleží! CAREL - řešení Vašich potřeb zvlhčování
    Language CZE 
    Date 01/10/2012
    Release 2.0