µRack CO2

General characteristics
µRack CO2 is CAREL’s compact controller for the management of condensing units and small transcritical CO2 compressor racks.
The main feature of the proposal is NFC and Bluetooth connectivity which, through the Applica app for mobile devices, extends the features of traditional user interfaces, simplifying interaction with the controller by making the functions available directly from a smartphone or tablet.
µRack CO2 can manage the following typical compressor rack configurations:- up to 1 suction line, maximum 4 compressors (modulating, timed, rotation and inverter)
- gas cooler fans (on/off, modulating)
- high pressure valve (HPV) control
- FGV control for liquid receiver pressure
- management of modulating devices
- direct connection to CAREL or third-party supervisory systems (Modbus protocol)
- algorithms for managing system safety and optimising efficiency (Floating Condensing and Floating Suction)
The high flexibility means the controller can be used in stand-alone mode to manage just the HPV and FGV valves (with optional management of the compressors/gas cooler fans).
Completing the proposal is a software suite of useful tools for each stage of the system life cycle: from design and end-of-line configuration/testing, to maintenance in the field.-
Complete management of small compressor racks or condensing units
Functions for the control of a small compressor rack unit with up to four compressors (the first modulating), four gas cooler fans (ON/OFF or modulating), complete management of transcritical operation via the algorithm for calculating the optimal pressure.
Simplified interaction
Guided commissioning procedure (wizard), dedicated dashboard for immediate understanding of the unit’s operating conditions, troubleshooting guidelines for alarms, real-time saving and sharing of the rack parameter settings: all directly from a smartphone or tablet.
Possibility to configure the controller for complete management of the compressor rack/condensing unit or for the transcritical part only. High degree of configuration flexibility: possibility to change the I/O settings and assign generic functions for the execution of auxiliary actions in addition to the standard logic.
High efficiency for compact applications
Performance optimisation through management of modulating loads (compressors and gas cooler fans). Possibility to integrate field devices through the Fieldbus serial port. Logic for managing the floating suction and condensing pressure set point.
2D/3D drawings
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code U30R00MRT0400 Description 2D-3D drawings Language ALL Date 13/11/2024 Release R0 -
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code +0300026IT Description μRack - Soluzione per moto-condensanti e centrali frigorifere compatte Language ITA Date 10/06/2024 Release 3.0 Code +0300026EN Description μRack - Solution for condensing units and compact compressor racks Language ENG Date 10/06/2024 Release 3.0 Code +0300026ES Description μRack Solución para motocondensadoras y centrales de refrigeración compactas Language SPA Date 10/06/2024 Release 3.0 Code +0300026RU Description Решения для компрессорно-конденсаторных и компактных многокомпрессорных агрегатов Language RUS Date 10/06/2024 Release 3.0 -
Technical Leaflets
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code +0500210IE Description μRack Soluzione per motocondensanti e centrali frigorifere compatte / Solution for condensing units and compact compressor racks Language ENG ITA Date 11/09/2024 Release 1.2 Code +0500210FD Description Solution pour les unités à motocondensation et centrales de réfrigération compactes / Lösung für Verflüssigersätze und kompakte Verbundkälte-anlagen Language FRE GER Date 11/09/2024 Release 1.2
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code +3000233EN Description μRack - Solution for condensing units and compact compressor racks Language ENG Date 02/08/2024 Release 1.3 Code +3000233IT Description μRack - Soluzione per moto-condensanti e centrali frigorifere compatte Language ITA Date 02/08/2024 Release 1.3
High resolution images
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code PH24LPR301-µRack-CO2-DIN-no-buitin-display Description CAREL - µRack CO2 - Compressor rack - Food Retail Language ALL Date 29/07/2024 Release R.0