AHU - Air quality and comfort: anytime, anywhere
Pressurised water humidifiers
The Air Handling Unit (AHU) market is growing at a fast pace worldwide, driven by the stricter requirements of standards and regulations.
CAREL solutions for hospitals and healthcare structures
Pressurised water humidifiers
Control and management of air humidification in healthcare structures is needed to reduce the risk of contagion and ensure the comfort of healthcare workers, patients and visitors.
Humidification technologies - Adiabatic
Pressurised water humidifiers
Adiabatic humidifiers bring about the direct evaporation of water into the air without adding external energy, and therefore without raising the temperature; the heat required for evaporation is...


optiMist optiMist optiMist optiMist
  • General characteristics

    optiMist is a humidifier and adiabatic evaporative cooler that, by atomizing water into small droplets, allows the latter to evaporate spontaneously, subtracting heat from the humidified air, which is cooled at the same time. The system consists of a cabinet, inside which there is a flap valve pump, with pressures up to 15 bar, and an atomized water distribution rack, to be installed inside the air treatment unit.


    The sophisticated control system managed by the pCO, which combines the action of the inverter (that regulates the speed and therefore the flow of the pump) and that of the two solenoid valves, which activate only the nozzles that are necessary, allowing the system to operate always at optimum pressure in a wide flow range. The two solenoid valves (placed inside the cabinet) divide the distribution into two independent steps, which can be simultaneously present on the same rack (acting one after the other sequentially) forming two steps of continuous modulation, or they can be separated in two different distribution systems, each with a single step, supplying two different areas: this is the typical case of the application of humidification + direct adiabatic cooling in the input duct and indirect adiabatic cooling in the output duct, with heat exchanger between the two air treatment units.

    The optiMist cabinet is available in the following capacities: 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 e 1000 l/h. The distribution system can be selected from a large list of available codes, depending on the size of the duct and the atomization required. optiMist can be used with demineralized water, but also with mains water, as long as the unit is cleaned more frequently

  • Plus

    • two areas that can be controlled by a single cabinet, without the need for a secondary control panel: ideal for the application of direct and indirect Evaporative Cooling
    • energy saving and possibility to reduce the time of use of mechanical cooling
    • inverter that allows an accurate and efficient modulation
    • two modulation steps to increase the accuracy of applications in a single area
    • drainage valves and flushing cycles to avoid water stagnation
    • sterile materials used which do not contribute to bacterial growth
    • can be used with demineralized water, softened water or mains water



  • BIM files
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code BIM files optiMist
    Language ALL 
    Date 11/03/2020
    Release R0
  • Manuals
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +0300065DE
    Description optiMist: Verdunstungskühler
    Language GER 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0300065EN
    Description optiMist: evaporative cooling
    Language ENG 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0300065ES
    Description optiMist: refrigeración evaporativa
    Language SPA 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0300065FR
    Description optiMist: refroidissement par évaporation
    Language FRE 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0300065IT
    Description optiMist: raffreddamento evaporativo
    Language ITA 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0300065CS
    Description optiMist Systém odpařovacího chlazení
    Language CZE 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0300065RU
    Description optiMist Испарительное охлаждение
    Language RUS 
    Date 01/02/2023
    Release 1.7
    Code +0500065IE
    Description RACK - optiMist: Sistema di distribuzione/ Distribution system
    Language ENG  ITA 
    Date 10/01/2020
    Release 3.1


  • Brochure
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +3000046DE
    Description optiMist: Verdunstungskühlung und Befeuchtung
    Language GER 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046EN
    Description optiMist: evaporative cooling and humidifying
    Language ENG 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046ES
    Description optiMist: Refrigeración evaporativa y humectación
    Language SPA 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046FR
    Description optiMist: Refroidissement par évaporation et humidification
    Language FRE 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046IT
    Description optiMist: raffreddamento evaporativo ed umidificazione
    Language ITA 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046NL
    Description optiMist: adiabatischekoeling en bevochtiging
    Language DUT 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046RU
    Description optiMist: испарительное охлаждение и увлажнение
    Language RUS 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046AR
    Description OPTIMIST
    Language ARA 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046KR
    Description optiMist
    Language KOR 
    Date 02/05/2012
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000046ZH
    Description optiMist - 高压细雾 蒸发式冷却与加湿
    Language CHI 
    Date 05/02/2012
    Release 1.0
  • Other related documentation
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +3000224IT
    Description Educational - Programma corsi di formazione CAREL per utilizzare nel modo migliore tecnologie e sistemi delle applicazioni HVAC/R
    Language ITA 
    Date 13/03/2024
    Release 2.1
    Code +3000224EN
    Description Educational - MakeCAREL’s program of training courses to make the best use of HVAC/R application technologies and systems
    Language ENG 
    Date 13/03/2024
    Release 2.1
    Code +3000224FR
    Description Educational - Programme de formation CAREL pour une utilisation optimale des technologies et des systèmes dans les applications HVAC/R
    Language FRE 
    Date 15/12/2023
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000054ES
    Description Soluciones para el ahorro energético en data center
    Language SPA 
    Date 26/05/2023
    Release 3.0
    Code +800004030
    Description Soluzioni per Unità Trattamento Aria: Tecnologia e competenza per la qualità dell’aria e il risparmio energetico
    Language ITA 
    Date 05/04/2023
    Release 1.2
    Code +800004031
    Description Solutions for Air Handling Units: Technology and expertise for indoor air quality and energy saving
    Language ENG 
    Date 05/04/2023
    Release 1.2
    Code +800004036
    Description Rozwiązania dla central wentylacyjno-klimatyzacyjnych (AHU) - Technologia, doświadczenie i oszczędność energii dla jakości powietrza w pomieszczeniach
    Language POL 
    Date 05/04/2023
    Release 1.2
    Code +3000223IT
    Description Soluzione completa di servizi dedicata agli umidificatori CAREL
    Language ITA 
    Date 21/12/2021
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000223EN
    Description Complete services solution for CAREL humidifiers
    Language ENG 
    Date 21/12/2021
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000223ES
    Description Solución completa de servicios dedicada a los humidificadores CAREL
    Language SPA 
    Date 21/12/2021
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000223FR
    Description Solution complète de services pour les humidificateurs CAREL
    Language FRE 
    Date 21/12/2021
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000223PL
    Description Kompletne rozwiązanie serwisowe dla nawilżaczy CAREL
    Language POL 
    Date 21/12/2021
    Release 1.0
    Code +3000018IT
    Description L’umidità è importante! Umidificatori CAREL, una soluzione per ogni richiesta
    Language ITA 
    Date 15/09/2020
    Release 4.1
    Code +3000018DE
    Description Die Feuchte zählt! CAREL-Befeuchter, eine Lösung für jedes Anliegen.
    Language GER 
    Date 15/09/2020
    Release 4.1
    Code +3000018EN
    Description Humidity matters! CAREL humidifiers, a solution for every need
    Language ENG 
    Date 15/09/2020
    Release 4.1
    Code +3000018ES
    Description ¡La humedad es importante! Humidificadores CAREL, una solución para cada necesidad
    Language ENG  SPA 
    Date 15/09/2020
    Release 4.1
    Code +3000018PL
    Description Nawilżanie ma znaczenie! Rozwiązania CAREL dla twoich potrzeb nawilżania
    Language POL 
    Date 15/09/2020
    Release 4.1
    Code +3000054FR
    Description Solutions permettant d'économiser l'énergie dans les centres de données
    Language FRE 
    Date 11/10/2016
    Release 2.0
    Code +3000054DE
    Description Energiesparlösungen für Rechenzentren
    Language GER 
    Date 11/10/2016
    Release 2.0


  • High resolution images
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code PH12LEC301-Optimist
    Description CAREL-optiMist-Pressurised water humidifier-Adiabatic humidifier
    Language ALL 
    Date 01/07/2021
    Release R.0